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Hello internet!!

It’s been a long time since I’ve posted a blog to the internet. A lot of things have changed since my last blog post, many, many years ago.

There’s several reasons as to why I’m starting a blog back up, mainly because I’m bored, but also to share my experience’s; as well as analysis of the financial markets (ranging from the stock market to real estate market to the FX market). What sparked the fire to get a blog/website back up and running, was the fact I bought a motorcycle, and decided to attach a GoPro to my helmet, to record my rides throughout North Carolina (and beyond). After recording my rides, and enjoying editing those videos, I started to get an itch about my analysis of the markets, like back in the day. And really started missing those posts, and how it definitely helped me, and I believe helped others.

This site will encompass all facets of my life; from work life, to personal life. Including, but not limited to, motorcycle rides. There’ll be videos, photos & regular blog posts. In regards to the financial analysis, I’m not a financial advisor, nor a fund. I do not trade other people’s money; I only trade my personal money. My posts are not to be taken as financial advice; consult with your financial advisor for your personal money directives.

I can be found on all the major social media platforms, and I will be uploading to YouTube, as well.

I hope to continue to come back, and learn, as well as be entertained. Share this site, and my social media profiles with people you know, especially if they’d find a benefit in my content.

Have a great day! I’ll be posting soon!!!